- Enhances the cheekbones.
- Increases the volume of the lips.
- Smooth the wrinkles around the mouth.
What is Juvederm?
En quoi consiste le traitement de Botox cosmétique?
La thérapie JUVÉDERM consiste en l’injection de faibles doses d’acide hyaluronique dans le derme, en vue de réduire les sillons et les rides d’expression ou pour augmenter temporairement le volume des lèvres ou des joues.
Duration of treatment
Depending on the treatment area, the duration can vary between 30 to 60 minutes
To maintain its effect, we must repeat the treatment to the years. Can be done every two years for cheekbones.
Depending on the treatment area, anesthesia may be possible before the procedure. Usually, since the product contains an anesthetic, the treatment is quite comfortable.
The results
The result is visible immediately. Swelling may be possible immediately after treatment.
Number of sessions
Depending on the desired result, an annual treatment is sufficient for one area.
Inflammatory reactions such as redness, edema, erythema, burning, pain, or pressure These reactions can last up to a week.
▸ Swelling or nodules may appear at injection sites
▸ Very rare cases of discoloration at injection sites have been reported
▸ Rare cases of necrosis, abscess, granuloma or hypersensitivity have been reported
▸ Bleeding at the injection site when taking blood-thinning medicines such as aspirin or ibuprofen
Persistent inflammatory reactions lasting longer than one week or the appearance of any other side effects should be reported to the physician.
After-treatment Botox cosmetic tips
A follow-up appointment, 2 weeks after treatment, is advised in order to:
▸ To note the effectiveness, the desired aesthetic result and to make sure of no presence of side effects
▸ Make corrections as needed
▸ Make an appointment within 8 to 12 months for a booster treatment

For a duration of 3 to 4 hours, it is important to:
▸ Do not touch, rub or apply pressure to the treated areas
▸ Do not lie down, or put your head upside down
▸ Ice can be applied, but not excessively.