Contact us

Belladerma is...

  • The reference in medico-aesthetic care without surgery by an experienced medical team.
  • A prestigious brand image synonymous with natural beauty.
  • The charismatic mystery that surrounds BELLADERMA insiders, in complete confidentiality.

Many offer injection care as a complement to services. BELLADERMA concentrates on it. The products used are only made from natural elements, beneficial for the skin and the body.

Based on a positioning synonymous with charm, mystery, professionalism and natural purity, BELLADERMA targets a clientele concerned about their image and their health, desiring the ultimate in the quality of the products and services offered, and this, in complete discretion. . His clients are thus prepared to enjoy life to the full and radiate happiness.

What is Juvederm?

JUVEDERM therapy is an injection treatment aimed at reducing facial wrinkles. JUVEDERM is the trade name of the product.

What is Cosmetic Botox treatment?

JUVEDERM therapy consists of injecting low doses of hyaluronic acid into the dermis, to reduce grooves and expression lines or to temporarily increase the volume of the lips or cheeks.

Belladerma Solutions

PRP biostimulation

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections are the latest generation of skin rejuvenation treatment, totally personalized.

  • Stimulates the production of hyaluronic acid and collagen
  • Harmonious face remodeling
  • Skin toned and re-pulp
  • Regenerative properties of platelets
  • Natural treatment: Autologous product
  • Simple, safe and effective technique
  • No risk of rejection or allergic reactions
PRP biostimulation

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections are the latest generation of skin rejuvenation treatment, totally personalized.

  • Stimulates the production of hyaluronic acid and collagen
  • Harmonious face remodeling
  • Skin toned and re-pulp
  • Regenerative properties of platelets
  • Natural treatment: Autologous product
  • Simple, safe and effective technique
  • No risk of rejection or allergic reactions
What is neuromodulator therapy?

Anti-wrinkle therapy with neuromodulators consists of injecting low doses of neuromodulators into certain facial muscles, in order to relax them and thus reduce the furrows and expression lines associated with the movements of these muscles. It is more effective on deep expression lines, i.e. those directly associated with facial muscle movements. This treatment can also be used to prevent wrinkles. 



Professionnelle, connaissante et surtout compétente. Dès ma première expérience à cette clinique j’ai vue la différence.


Très précise et douce, aucune douleur et une sensation de confiance.  Je me suis sentie prise en charge.


Enfin quelqu’un qui prend le temps de nous écouter et de nous expliquer en détails les traitements.  Bravo pour votre qualité humaine.

Recognized treatments

Services recognized and approved by Health Canada.
Made by health professionals.


Anti-wrinkle therapy with neuromodulators is an injection treatment aimed at reducing facial expression lines. Several products are available at the clinic to personalize your treatment.


La thérapie JUVÉDERM- acide hyaluronique est un traitement par injections visant à atténuer les rides du visage.  JUVÉDERM est le nom commercial du produit.


Stimulez la production de collagène et relisez votre peau pour découvrir un nouvel air de jeunesse.